Featured Businesses

The Directory For Small Businesses

Find Small Businesses listed in the Directory to support. And if you’re a Small Business Owner, get a Membership to get listed and a variety of free services.

↔️ Retail 🛍️ Businesses

↔️ Retail 🛍️ Businesses

↔️ Photography 📸 Businesses

↔️ Photography 📸 Businesses

↔️ Graphic Design 💻 Businesses

↔️ Graphic Design 💻 Businesses

Get real help.

alley-oop business is not just an online directory - it’s a tangible support system for entrepreneurs on the grind. Members who have listed pages get Free services every month on things like: Flyers, Business Cards, and Banner Designs, Video / Reel Editing, Email, Speech and Newsletter Drafting & Distribution, Six Sigma Green Belt and other training programs. Members can also request things like website design or touch up services, as well as process mapping and reporting - real stuff that matters and helps.

Why “Run” ⛹️‍♀️ With Us:

  • Our first online directory launched in 2019 and reached over 1,200 members, leading to very high amounts of quantifiable traffic for businesses listed. All of that knowledge, added with even more learned improvements (such as the Member Portal), have been used to build alley-oop both as a platform and support system for small business owners.

  • alley-oop can serve as the equivalent of additional team members in some areas for just $9.99 a month - a steal, when you think about the cost of hiring other people for a lot of the services we offer.

    Members on the platform can request Free services such as flyer design, business card / banner design, video / reel editing, newsletter drafting, email blasts, process mapping, website evaluations, target audience / demographic reporting and even Six Sigma Training. Additionally, our Members have access to other deeper services - such as website design, website touch-ups, point-of-service inventory builds - that they can pay for by getting more Members for alley-oop.

  • Our Directory is constantly being reviewed and visited by individuals from across the country - because we're pushing it everywhere in the places that matter (for you). But guess what - everyone else on the platform is also doing the same thing...even if just a little bit, the marketing we all do to direct people to alley-oop, the more it benefits each and every one of us...

    Let us all be part of a process that promotes an extra presence for you without you having to do all of the heavy lifting by yourself.

  • Members that have their pages listed have access to a dedicated Member Portal on alley-oop. It allows you to always find the request form for business services, has an area where you create and update your page listing, and you can also submit your own events to be added to the calendar.

What we’re reading.

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