parley Small Business Community Meeting

Small businesses and organizations will need both general support that aligns to their daily missions, as well as help with isolated campaigns, projects, or issues that arise during the up-and-down stages of running a business. Leaders must find ways to keep the surrounding community engaged with their needs so that tangible support can be provided, from many. Staying in the loop and helping each other, that is the reason for these #parley meetings.


Facilitator-led, #parley is organized into two (2) groups at the beginning - small business owners & organizational leaders that need support with their business, and other groups, individuals, organizations that identify themselves as the “Support Resources” who are going to help out the others.

#parley uses four (4) categories that business owners and organizational leaders can use to describe their needs or areas of support:

  • Funding, Donations, Sponsorships, Loans or Investments

  • Staffing, Special Projects, Technology & Marketing

  • Real Estate, Building, Locations, Space Support

  • Training, Business Plan Development, Product Development, Target Audience Support

The meeting gets right into it - business owners have a safe space surrounded by others to communicate their needs, and the facilitator guides the discussions with the right resources in the room. It’s a very tangible meeting that gets to results!

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